
What is Beau Noir?

The "Beau Noir" genre (which I created) describes horror fantasy fiction with elements of romance and philosophy—essentially, it's beautifully haunting content.

It's probably not suitable for kids due to the complicated concepts and scenarios most of the content includes. 

Who created Beau Noir Media LLC?

My name is Mark A. Figueroa. I'm a Marine Corps veteran and a mixed-race Afro-Latino American who’s lived across the U.S. and abroad.

I grew up watching "Tales from the Crypt," "The Simpsons," "Chappelle's Show," and "South Park" while still obsessing over "Pokemon," "Yuyu Hakusho," "S Cry Ed," "Dragon Ball Z" and things like that. I was 7 when South Park aired and have been watching it since. Beau Noir is like a tribute to everything I love, with a hope that I create content that people cry over, laugh over, discuss, argue over, and debate about. 

Before enlisting in the Marine Corps, I had some wild adventures with people from all over the world. In the Corps, I picked up a few languages and traveled extensively, which further broadened my horizons.

I’ve loved deeply, lost deeply, and learned along the way.

Beau Noir Media is something I’ve always been passionate about, to the point where overthinking and the pursuit of perfection often paralyzed me from actually pursuing it.

No matter how much I learn, I’m one of those people who can’t stand boredom and has a deep disdain for doing things solely for money.

I’m an artist, writer, and creator at my core. Even when I’m pretending to be a normal adult, I can’t hide the tired non-conformist within me.

I’m always open to conversation and love meeting new people.

Some notable things about me:

  • I attended 5 elementary schools and 3 high schools, never really putting down roots. As a result, I was a hedonistic teenager, unlike the shy, artistically talented people I met later. I was a social butterfly, though I never attended formal school dances or proms. But I was at every house party worth being at.

  • I enlisted in the Marine Corps on a whim. I originally went to the Navy recruiter’s office with two female friends who were enlisting. A Marine recruiter saw me—I was in great shape from running track and playing football—and we started talking. His pitch got me (pause, no homo). My dad was a Marine, and the recruiter convinced me to take a practice ASVAB. I scored in the lower 90s with a 120 GT. He pushed for me to enlist. I was 17 at the time, turning 18 after graduation. It all fell into place.

  • I initially wanted to enlist as Avionics, but the MOS was full, so I chose METOC.

  • During my time in service, I worked with various foreign militaries and pilots from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. I earned an award during Operation Key Resolve 2012 for my work. (Unpopular opinion: I loved being stationed at MCAGCC 29 Palms). I was there when we ran Enhanced Mojave Viper exercises back-to-back. I also attended Corporal's Course in 29 Palms and had some defining experiences there. I achieved my dream of being stationed in mainland Japan, and from there I went to the Philippines and South Korea, meeting a wide range of people.

  • I earned my BA and MBA in under three years after leaving the Corps.

  • I broke a few records at various jobs I’ve worked, but none of those meant as much to me as the award I received from a General. I was one of only two Marines to receive individual recognition during the exercise. After that, any other achievements just seemed less meaningful.

  • My most personally prized accomplishments are "Platinuming" all the Dark Souls titles (including Demon's Souls and Bloodborne), and "Platinuming" Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4.

  • I trained my cat to bathe. It took a long time, but eventually, he’d jump into the tub if I was taking a bath or claw at the shower door and jump in with me. Training a cat is much harder than training a dog—cats need daily consistency because they don’t retain memory like dogs do. It was a fascinating experience.

  • I’ve driven across the country multiple times.

  • During my time in Japan, I learned enough Japanese to enter “Non-American”/“Non-Foreigner” bars and had some wild dating experiences.

  • I’m the only college graduate in my immediate family, breaking a generational curse.

  • I once put out a fire at a bar. The owners gave my friends and me free drinks for months afterward. Speaking of bars, once a Mama-san locked me in her bar and pressed me to marry her. Wild times.

  • I love vaporwave, video game soundtracks, hip hop, jazz, funk fusion, and oldies (40s and 50s) music. But, oddly, I’m also completely enamored with Ariana Grande and her music. I think she’s the most vocally talented human of my generation (I’m a 90s kid). She’s broken world records, topped charts, and done humanitarian work. Her face is nearly perfect according to the golden ratio. I believe no one in the entertainment industry matches her combination of talent, skill, and beauty, and I’d rather not meet her in real life so my admiration doesn’t get spoiled by reality. All that said, let it be known, that she is certainly not the best lyricist out there. I don't feel there are any legitimately good lyricists in pop music. Valuable lyrics don't have monetary value, and they have to be able to sell their talent to wide audiences to be "stars." 

About the Beau Noir Media Brand:

Beau Noir Media LLC began as a collection of ideas for horror-themed superheroes I thought were cool. I envisioned an interconnected world, with characters having their own main stories and side interactions—kind of like Marvel under Stan Lee.

However, I realized that the current brand and its messaging lacked depth. It had become formulaic and driven by profit rather than creativity.

Valuable entertainment isn’t for the masses; it’s for niche connoisseurs with complex tastes.

Over time, I thought creating family-friendly content would be my way forward, so I posted shallow content for mass appeal. It diluted both my work and my identity as a creator.

I’ve since decided to focus on my core interests—providing thought-provoking, edgy, thrilling, and imaginative horror and fantasy fiction, aimed primarily at young adults and adults.

Through Beau Noir Media, I want to create some of the hardest-hitting, mind-bending works you’ll ever encounter.

Ultimately, I aspire to create a legacy of hauntingly beautiful entertainment that sparks your imagination and speaks to your soul.

Why did I start Beau Noir Media?

I needed an outlet. Simple as that. A space where I could take creative liberties—unowned, uncontrolled, and unrestrained.

I miss the days when the internet was like the wild west, where people could express themselves freely without the need for niche forums or TOR.

What’s the goal of Beau Noir Media?

To be the home of unique, stimulating, and emotionally-powerful content, and raise the bar on entertainment, and thereby make people more conscious about the depth of the quality of the content they consume.  

Eventually, I want to offer a range of entertainment products and services, including:

Original Content: Producing and distributing horror, fantasy, and fiction films, series, and digital media.

Merchandise: Collectibles, apparel, books, and other products inspired by my content.

Interactive Experiences: Dark fantasy and horror video games with complex stories and themes.

Who is Beau Noir Media for?

Beau Noir Media is for horror and fantasy enthusiasts, and those seeking philosophically stimulating entertainment that blends multiple genres in unique ways.

Are you on social media?

No, I believe in creating content that lives where it’s created. If you like it, consume it where it’s published. I’ll also publish books on Amazon.

I’m not interested in forming online communities. I’d rather receive an email from a fan than a retweet from someone who hasn’t engaged with my work.

Will you create a Discord or some communication group?

No, but feel free to create your own group. If you invite me, I might engage—more likely, I’ll just lurk and smile, happy to know people enjoy my content.

Is there anything you would engage with?

Perhaps. I’d love to have a deep conversation with someone like Lex Fridman or chat with creators wearing my merchandise or making podcasts about my work. That would be cool.